Monday, October 26, 2009


Alright, randomness. Let's see, what to talk about... todaaay.

I've got it! ... Ok, no, I don't. I just thought that would give me momentum. Crap.

Oh! Now I've got it, I mean it this time. Manga~! So! I went to a Japanese marketplace called Mitsuwa recently, right? I didn't have a lot of money on my card at the time, so I wasn't able to get too much, but I was able to get my hands on the first volume of a manga series I already have, but it's in Japanese this time. So I'm looking through it, looking through it, not understanding a whole lot... but it helps me practice reading. So that's good. I hand it off to Matsubara-sensei (that is to say, my Japanese teacher. -Hakase would mean professor.) in the car and, without realizing it, she starts to read it! After about 8 pages, she realizes it and hands it back, apologizing quickly. I swear, she's adorable.

Like a kitten kind of adorable. Jerks. Gawd.

She's from Osaka, which tends to be a more... verbose city in Japan. You can definitely tell it in her energetic manner and cutesy dialect. For example: many sentences in Japanese end with desu. The 'u', in standard dialect, is silent. (Deh-s). The Kansai (Kah-n-sa-i) dialect, among other things, has the 'u' pronounced. (Deh-su). Try it. It's cute for girls.

But, yeah. Due to a conversation I had with a friend of mine, we're now contemplating comparing Matsubara-sensei to Lolcats. Tee hee.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


What can you do with an eggplant? This is highly delayed, in fact, I'm not sure, I may have already mentioned this, BUT! What can you do with eggplants? I brought home, from that blogger party, cherry tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and an eggplant. I gave them to my grandmother, and she knew what to do with everything BUT the eggplant. She grew up on a farm, too, and she didn't know what to do with it. At a loss. She knows you can fry them, but that hardly helps. We have no way of doing that. Anybody know?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My English Professor

I love my English Professor, Prof. Navakas. She's soooo open-minded! I wrote a paper using manga and a video game as sources, and she loved it. She reads them herself, on occasion, even, and she's on /English/ Professor. She attends Comicon every summer, too, and she's considering having a class reunion at ACen in May. It's amazing!

My paper, by the way, was about the portrayal of scientists in modern media, in comparison to Frankenstein. I could write a book about... it. Maybe I -should-. And put the proceedings toward my college tuition. Holy Crap. I love it. I'm gonna do it. I'll ask Prof. Navakas if she'll be my editor, and maybe Dr. Fisher, too. (The class is co... what's the word... ah, co-disciplinary. He's a Philosophy Prof.) Wheeee~, It'll be fun! And I know what I can use for a second book, if I need. I can write a narrative. A stoooory. I've been writing narrative for a while, now, in the form of Roleplay, so I can probably manage it. Maybe help me get into the habit of writing past-tense... Heee~, I'm getting excited! I think I'll start now.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Ahg, what the hell. I go to the cage for a Saturday meal swipe, and they can only cook tacos. I can't even -pay- for anything else. I have to wait for 6:30 to roll around, it's ridiculous! I looked behind the lady and, hey, the grill is ON, why can't you cook me a cheeseburger!? It's not her fault, though... if it was, she could change it. I've decided to return after they've stopped being idiotic (at 6:30), and get me a cheeseburger, root beer, and a big ol' cookie. Or... I could just go eat a meal at Pfeiffer in ten minutes. I think I'll do that. Pasta, I think I heard it was... And the usual eattery is already closed, so I'm stuck. Oooh, if only I had a bit of money for Potbelly. I wasn't expecting the menu at the Cage to be so... narrow.