Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nooooo! D=

Arg, nooo! My laptop died! Geh. At least I have the computers in the commons.

I'm at school for a month, right now, taking classes and participating in activities. It wasn't so much my laptop that died as it was the power adapter. Y'know, the brick? Yeah. That died, and now I can't use my laptop 'cause the battery life sucks and it'll die within, like, 20 minutes if I turn it on. Geh. So, I turned it to hibernate. I want a new laptop, but I'm not sure if we have the funds for that, between college and what not. We'll see. Hopefully, I can figure out a way to back up my laptop without needing to turn it on. Maybe hook up the hard drive to something else. I unno.

The thing is, I could get another laptop for, like, a tenth of the price of the Tablet (That's my current laptop), and it'll have better specs. Kinda peeves me. So, I'm hoping to maybe get a compaq presario laptop or something. Which has twice as much RAM, half more storage, a bigger screen... so on and so forth. I'll be elated if I can get it. Here's hoping.

Other than that, the four week classes are going well. It's not too much work, and I can write my papers quickly enough. I'm gonna check my grades after I post this, too. The experience I gained at IMSA is really paying off here.

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