Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

So, I had all four wisdom teeth removed on Monday. I woke up after the operation, but all I remember immediately was getting into the car, and then getting home... and then... leaving to go to my mom's friend's house so she could take care of me because she takes care of his kids while he works. And that's when I remember stuff more clearly. However, I haven't had too much pain, and I've been fairly comfortable throughout the experience. I'll take a pain pill here or there, and I take my antibiotic, an all that stuff, so I'm doing fairly well. I have a little bit of swelling, but it's not so bad.

Best part is the diet it puts me on. Yogurt, pudding, ice cream, milk shakes, juice, tea... I'm not supposed to chew anything, so I get to have all this good stuff, and they'll even get it for me, it rocks. I was playing my game, layin' on the couch, and I ask Mom, y'know, "can I get some ice cream?" And she says sure and gets me some. It's awesome!

Oh, also. I got a LCD monitor for my desktop, which I finally moved up to my room. It's so nice to have it up here, though now I hardly leave my room, which... I really should do more. I should also CLEAN. I'll do that this weekend, when I pack for Anime Central. But, my desktop's new resolution is 1680 x 1050. It's absolutely beautiful... but I need more RAM to keep framerates running smoothly. x.x

I'm playing Disgaea 2, up to the point where Axel actually gets kinda cool in the last chapter, to show my girlfriend 'cause she doesn't believe me about him. He starts out absolutely lame, but he actually gets cooler as the game goes on.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Depression

Well, it seems as though the depression is finally to be felt in my home. My father has just taken a 10% pay cut, as has everyone else at his workplace, including the owner. At least they all still have their jobs. However, now I'm going to feel really bad about asking him for anything... I'll have to find a job myself. But where to work... I'll have to write up a resume and start looking around. Part-time, of course. I'll be able to feed myself and by myself games and stuff, then, which will be good. And I'll have real-world job experience to stick on there.

In other news, I have... erm... Ah, yes, Generation of Chaos. This is a unique sort of strategy RPG, in that you manage squadrons of one hero and 29 other dudes. Soldiers. The hero has skills and super moves but can succumb to the weaker units of the other side if you aren't careful. Of course, sometimes your dudes stand no chance and you'll just have to run. At the begining of each battle, you choose your formation and attack strategy. You can wait, charge, target their commander or defend yours, or sometimes run. I'm not sure of the conditions for run, as it doesn't always appear.

Aside from combat, you manage your empire. Aside from shopping, you can only do things in town when there is a commander there, and only one thing can be done per commander, whether it's moving or fortifying a town or what. Multiple units of yours can sit on one square, and depending on where you are, up to four of them can defend against attacks, one at a time.

The movement system is based on a grid, with squares filled in to form paths between locations. Some units can move four, others five, and still others six. I havn't run into any units with more or less movement than that. Every unit has an ideal terrain to move on, as well. Dessert will slow most units down, and flatland, I do believe, is ideal for all units. Forest may slow larger, heavier units down, while flying units move best over rocky terrain.

Personally, I like it. It's a strategy game, but the combat is simple enough where I stop playing the game because I can't figure out what I want to do, as in Fire Emblem. Of course, a death in Fire Emblem is permanent, so it requires planning.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Well, I haven't been here in a while. Hey guys, looks like my blog is falling into the neglect hole again. >.o Well, I'm back. Not a whole lot new going on, though. I got a PSP with... wait, I think I already mentioned that. I'll have to check. I just got back from the Dragonball movie. Which was a laugh. Don't get me wrong though. It was horrible. HORRIBLE. You just can't do a live-action Dragonball movie. And if you do, try to fit it into the plot somewhere, don't do needless bullet-time effects, make Goku ASIAN, and get the characters right. There was something else I wanted to say in there... oh, yes. Also. It can't be done because you can't fit a whole segment of screaming in. If you do, it's awful and needless and boring. If you don't, you aren't doing it right. Stop it.