Friday, May 29, 2009


Ok, GTO! It's about this ex-gang member that wants to become a teacher. Having been a gang member at one point, his goals and methods are unorthodox. His goals change within the first couple of episodes, though. In the first episode, he manages to change a class of delinquints into respectable, studious students, because of the three he tortured. He tortured them because they pulled a prank on him.

It's really quite a funny anime. There's a lot of sexual humor, though, so be aware of that before you show it to any munchkins.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ah! Haha! I have inspiration to make a Gurren Lagann youtube video, but... I need the proper software, that's the only thing. I found a demo that I love to work with, but I need the full thing to do everything I need to do... Hmm

In other news, I went to an Anime watch-a-thon this weekend. It was fun. I saw some Ranma 1/2, some other stuff, we showed the host Gurren Lagann... I forget what else we watched. Also, that Ranma DVD was insane with the number of episodes it held. I mean, jeez. Cuh-razy. Oh, right. Ryo. That's the other thing. Yeah yeah. Creepy dudes abound in that show, eeuugh.

Eehhhhm... Roleplay and stuff, I unno. Not much going on anymore. Oh! I'm out of highschool. 8D Totally done. Whoo~! Yeah! >D Now I get to enslave myself to college. >.o

Monday, May 18, 2009

New anime

Aah, crap. I'm falling behind on updates again. Oh well. Anyway. Let's see... ah! Jyu-Oh-Sei is a great anime. Very deep, involved. There's this planet that's used for a punishment planet, though its existance is hidden. Criminals are sent there and they have to survive against the carnivorous plants that dominate the planet. Two boys find their parents dead and are sent to the planet by the Special Forces, made to survive and struggle to the top.

I can't say much more than that without giving spoilers, though I could say about the Rings. The Rings are differenc organizations of people on the planet, each with a different skin color. They feud, they cooperate, etc. The Rings are organized under three individuals. The Top, the Second, and the Third, each with their respective level of power. Thaaat's about all I can say.